The one and only. With the constant aroma of my mother's tofu. The home where my sister paints her stinky toes. The home where my best friends reside, where it's fun to do nothing. To "just chill." The home of my 2001 Acura Integra that has taken nearly everywhere. I miss you all.
In college, nothing's ever certain. You never know what's going to happen next. Of course, it doesn't have to be such a horrible thing. Sometimes, it's great to have change. You meet new people. Experience new places. Explore. Other times, it sucks. You have to live in a different place every 12 months. You take different classes every 3 months. Your major changes every other month. Your career choice changes every month. Your future remains uncertain.

It took me a while, but after 19 years, I finally know what "home" is. It's not where you stay or what kind of house you live in. It doesn't matter how bad the weather is. What defines home are the people, which I am very blessed to have.
Average JT
my toes aren't stinky